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A person overwhelmed by a heap of cardboard boxes while unpacking or packing, symbolizing the importance of learning best practices for organizing Python code with packages and modules for efficient workflow.

Best Practices for Python Code Structuring

By Alyce Osbourne

Python packages are fundamental tools for organizing and reusing code across different projects. For intermediate developers looking to refine their skills, understanding how to create, structure, and utilize Python packages is crucial. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Python packages, including the role of the file, to help you manage your code more effectively and efficiently.

What are Python packages?

In Python, a package is essentially a directory that contains Python modules and a special file named The purpose of a package is to organize related modules under a common namespace, making it easier to develop complex projects by compartmentalizing different parts of the application.

The file serves as the initializer for our package. In previous versions of Python, this file was necessary to designate a folder as a package. However, since version 3.5, Python now allows for implicit packages, eliminating the need to add empty files, making their inclusion optional.

However, including a file can be beneficial for:

  • Streamlining imports from subpackages.
  • Loading platform-specific modules.
  • Executing package-specific initialization tasks, such as configuration and validation.

Creating a Python package

To create a Python package, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a directory: This directory will be your package. Name it according to the package’s purpose.
  2. Add modules: Place your .py files (modules) inside this directory. Each module can contain functions, classes, or variables.
  3. Include Create an file within the directory. Use this file to initialize the package environment, define the package’s public interface, or perform any package-level initializations.

Structuring your package

A well-structured package is key to maintainability and reusability. Consider the following structure for a hypothetical package named mypackage:

│   │--
│   │--

mypackage contains two modules, and and two subpackages, subpackage1 and subpackage2. Each subpackage, like the main package, contains its own file and submodules.

Utilizing packages

Importing from your package simplifies accessing its modules and functions. For example, from our file, to import module1 from mypackage, you would use:

import mypackage.module1

Or, to import a specific function from a submodule:

from mypackage.subpackage1.submodule1 import my_function

Utilizing the file, you can also enable easier access to key functions, classes, or variables by importing them into the package’s namespace. This way, users of your package can import directly from the package instead of navigating through its module structure.

Best practices for package development

  1. Consistency in naming: Use clear and consistent naming conventions, for your packages, modules, and subpackages to enhance readability and ease of use. By convention this should be in snake_case. Another common convention is naming based on the domain, such as or
  2. Structure code logically : You should try and define a clear tree structure with minimal coupling, especially across packages. In cases where you do need to couple them, consider hoisting them up the tree so the coupling occurs in parent packages, preferring dependency injection where possible. It is also important to avoid structures that create cyclic imports.
  3. Simplify imports: Use to manage your package’s namespace. Import key functions or classes in to allow users to access them directly from the package.
  4. Documentation: Document your packages, modules, and functions thoroughly. Good documentation is essential for maintaining and scaling your project, as well as for facilitating its use by others.

Final thoughts

Mastering Python packages and understanding the role of are crucial steps for intermediate developers aiming to build more complex and scalable Python applications. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can create well-organized, efficient, and reusable code, setting a solid foundation for advanced software development practices. For more tips on how to structure your projects, check out my post here: Efficient Python Project Setup for Long-Term Growth

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